How to Mount BIN/CUE Images in SheepShaver or Basilisk II

2 min readSep 2, 2020


SheepShaver running on Windows 10

Mounting ISO images in Mac emulators like SheepShaver and Basilisk II is easy. But what if the CD-ROM image you downloaded came as a BIN/CUE, not an ISO? Before you can use a BIN/CUE image with your Mac emulator, you will need to convert it to an ISO image.

Most tools for converting BIN/CUE images will produce an ISO that is unreadable to your Mac emulator. Fortunately, I tried all the tools so you don’t have to! I found that the right tool for the job is bchunk. If you’re on MacOS, you can follow this handy guide to use the tool. If you’re on Windows, I’ll explain the steps below!

First, download bchunk.v1.2.1_repub.1.exe from this page. Move it to the same folder as the BIN/CUE image that you want to convert. While you’re in this folder, click the location bar and press Ctrl-C to copy the folder path.

A folder containing bchunk.exe and a BIN/CUE image, ready for conversion.

Now open the Start Menu and search for Command Prompt. Once you’ve opened it, type cd /d , then press Ctrl-V to paste the path you copied earlier. Now press Enter. Your screen should look something like this:

Changing directory in the Command Prompt

Now we’re going to run the command to convert your disc image. Type bchunk , then the name of the BIN file, then the name of the CUE file, and finally the name you want to give your ISO. Be sure to add a space between each name! Your screen should look something like this now:

An example bchunk command.

Press Enter and wait for the program to finish running. When it’s done, you should see an ISO file appear in the folder!

To load your new ISO into SheepShaver or Basilisk II, first open its preferences file (BasiliskII_prefs or SheepShaver_prefs) with Notepad. Then add a line like this to the beginning of the file: cdrom ALIUS01.iso. Finally, move the ISO file into the same folder as the emulator. The next time you open your emulator, you should see the disc appear on your Mac desktop!




Written by nosamu

Former administrator at BlueMaxima’s Flashpoint, Discord community manager at Ruffle. I enjoy writing about technology and its history.

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